Where and how to buy the Metaverse land?

Where and how to buy the Metaverse land

Where and how to buy the Metaverse land?

While the metaverse fury is ravaging the technology world, many people want to reserve their place in this virtual universe, which is seen as the future of the internet. In the world of Metaverse, land purchase and sale transactions have already begun. you may ask where to buy metaverse land? How much does Metaverse land cost? in this article, I try to answer your questions so let’s jump right into it.

What is the metaverse land? Why do people buy Metaverse land?

how to buy the Metaverse land

Metaverse is a virtual world that allows users to create various digital assets or trade them through various coins. Like the real world, the metaverse is made up of landmasses. These lands are represented as NFTs on the blockchain, giving full ownership to the person holding them.

Metaverse lands are the most profitable investment in the Metaverse ecosystem. Because these lands are strategic assets that can gain value over time, just like in real life. So much so that people can buy, sell or rent lands. Thus, they can earn passive income from these investments.

Each Metaverse consists of a limited number of terrains with a fixed size. For example, Decentraland Metaverse consists of 90,601 (16m x 16m) parcels. Sandbox Metaverse consists of 166,464 (96 x 96 pieces) fields. Users can build these lands by filling them with digital assets (buildings, vehicles, games, or any 3D objects) and earn income by renting these assets.

Just as we pay a monetary price (money) when buying any real estate in the real world, the same is true in the virtual universe. However, one difference; is that the material costs here are not paid with money, but with coins. For this, you need a valid cryptocurrency on the platform where you will buy the metaverse plot and a digital wallet that will keep this crypto money. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on the platform from which you will buy the metaverse land. So where to buy a metaverse plot?

Which Platforms sell Metaverse Lands?

OVR is among the most popular platforms for selling The Sandbox and Decentraland metaverse plots. Here are some other marketplaces where you can buy land in the Metaverse universe:

  • Axie Infinity
  • Blocktopıa
  • Genesis City
  • nextearth. io
  • Dvision Network
  • myneighboralice
  • Lunacia
  • MatrixWorld Land Sale

How to get a metaverse land?

After you have decided on the platform on which you will buy the Metaverse land, you can own land in this virtual universe by following the steps below.

  1. You must have a digital wallet to be able to shop on the platform where you will purchase the Metaverse plot. You can use any cryptocurrency exchange for this.
  2. Buy valid coins on your chosen platform to get metaverse land. E.g; If you are going to buy metaverse land from Sandbox, you must load SAND into your wallet. You can get these coins from scratch from any cryptocurrency exchange such as Binance, or if you have ETH or DAI, it is also possible to exchange them for SAND.
  3. Transfer these coins you bought to your account on the platform where you will get the metaverse plot.
  4. Choose an island and parcel from the relevant platform according to your budget and ROI.
  5. You can buy the land you have chosen with the coins you have.

Metaverse land prices 2022

Many people ask, “How much are land prices in the metaverse?” she wonders. However, Metaverse land prices vary according to the purchased platform, location, and square meter of the land. So much so that the cheapest price for a land parcel on the Sandbox platform is 3.7 Ether, equivalent to 14,099 dollars, while in Decentraland it is recorded as 3.46 Ether, equivalent to 13,211 dollars.

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